[Link Centre] Live From Tupelo COMEDY NIGHT
[Link Centre] Live From Tupelo COMEDY NIGHT
Glenn Payne hosts a Night of Comedy at the Link Centre in Tupelo, MS!
Glenn Payne hosts a Night of Comedy at the Link Centre in Tupelo, MS!
Tupelo’s oldest (and as far as we know, only) improv comedy troupe, West of Shake Rag, is currently holding auditions! You can find them tonight at Link Centre. Follow West of Shake Rag’s page for more detailed information. Make sure you let your friends know, too!
Join us for a night of laughter as we explore everything from motherhood, midlife crisis, marriage, divorce, online dating, and other things that irritate us. Men are welcome to the show, too. Moms Unhinged has been selling out shows all over the country and is coming to Tupelo for a special performance. We do clean […]
BIG NEWS!!! WOSR is going to try something new and exciting! We’re happy to announce that we’re going to begin having new “guest starring” cast members every four months. Want to audition but aren’t able to sign up long term??? Now you can try out and, if selected, perform for four months. After each four […]